TTDV7551 - Introduction to GITHub for Developers

Introduction to GitHub for Developers is a fast-paced hands-on course that provides students with a solid overview of Git and GitHub the web-based version control repository hosting service. While the examples in this class are related to computer code, GitHub can be used for other content. It offers the complete distributed version control and source code management (SCM) functionality of Git as well as adding its own features. It provides access control and several collaboration features such as bug tracking, feature requests, task management, and wikis for every project.

Student Testimonials

Instructor did a great job, from experience this subject can be a bit dry to teach but he was able to keep it very engaging and made it much easier to focus. Student
Excellent presentation skills, subject matter knowledge, and command of the environment. Student
Instructor was outstanding. Knowledgeable, presented well, and class timing was perfect. Student

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This class assumes some prior experience with Git, plus basic coding or programming knowledge.

Detailed Class Syllabus

1. Getting Started with Collaboration

· What is GitHub?
· The GitHub Ecosystem
· What is Git?
· Exploring a GitHub Repository
· Using GitHub Issues
· Activity: Creating A GitHub Issue
· Using Markdown

2. Understanding the GitHub Flow

· The Essential GitHub Workflow

3. Branching with Git

· Branching Defined
· Activity: Creating a Branch with GitHub
· Introduction
· Class Diagram
· Interaction Diagrams
· Sequence Diagrams
· Communication Diagrams
· State Machine Diagrams
· Activity Diagram
· Implementation Diagrams

4. Local Git Configuration

· Checking your Git version
· Git Configuration Levels
· Viewing your configurations
· Configuring your username and email
· Configuring autocrif

5. Working Locally with Git

· Creating a Local copy of the repo
· Our favorite Git command: git status
· Using Branches locally
· Switching branches
· Activity: Creating a New File
· The Two Stage Commit

6. Collaborating on Your Code

· Pushing your changes to GitHub
· Activity: Creating a Pull Request
· Exploring a Pull Request
· Activity: Code Review

7. Merging Pull Requests

· Merge Explained
· Merging Your Pull Request
· Updating Your Local Repository
· Cleaning Up the Unneeded Branches

8. Viewing Local Project History

· Using Git Log

9. Streaming Your Workflow with Aliases

· Creating Custom Aliases

10. Workflow Review Project: GitHub Games

· User Accounts vs. Organization Accounts
· Introduction to GitHub Pages
· What is a Fork?
· Creating a Fork
· Workflow Review: Updating the

11. Resolving Merge Conflicts

· Local Merge Conflicts

12. Working with Multiple Conflicts

Remote Merge Conflicts
· Exploring

13. Searching for Events in Your Code

· What is Git bisect?
· Finding the bug in your project

14. Reverting Commits

· How Commits are made
· Safe operations
· Reverting Commits

15. Helpful Git Commands

· Moving and Renaming Files with Git
· Staging Hunks of Changes

16. Viewing Local Changes

Comparing changes with the Repository

17. Creating a New Local Repository

· Initializing a new local repository

18. Fixing Commit Mistakes

· Revising your last commit

19. Rewriting History with Git Reset

· Understanding reset
· Reset Modes
· Reset Soft
· Reset Mixed
· Reset Hard
· Does gone really mean gone?

20. Getting it Back

· You just want that one commit
· Oops, I didn’t mean to reset

21. Merge Strategies: Rebase

· About Git rebase
· Understanding Git Merge Strategies
· Creating a Linear History

22. GitHub Actions

· Workflows
· Events
· Jobs
· Steps
· Runners

23. Complex Workflows

· Adding scripts to your workflow
· Using variables
· Sharing data between jobs
· Working with dependencies
· Working with Services