AWS-DODEV - Developing on AWS

In this course, you will learn how to use the AWS SDK for developing secure and scalable cloud applications. The course provides in-depth knowledge about how to interact with AWS using code and covers key concepts, best practices, and troubleshooting tips.

Student Testimonials

Instructor did a great job, from experience this subject can be a bit dry to teach but he was able to keep it very engaging and made it much easier to focus. Student
Excellent presentation skills, subject matter knowledge, and command of the environment. Student
Instructor was outstanding. Knowledgeable, presented well, and class timing was perfect. Student

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In-depth knowledge of at least one high-level programming language, working knowledge of core AWS services and public cloud implementation

Detailed Class Syllabus


Lesson 1: Introduction to Developing on AWS
Lesson 2: Choosing a Data Store
Lesson 3: Developing Storage Solutions with Amazon S3
Lesson 4: Developing Flexible NoSQL Solutions with Amazon DynamoDB
Lesson 5: Working with Events
Lesson 6: Developing Event-Driven Solutions with Amazon Kinesis Streams
Lesson 7: Developing Event-Driven Solutions with Amazon SWF, Amazon SQS, and Amazon SNS
Lesson 8: Developing Event-Driven Solutions with AWS Lambda
Lesson 9: Developing Secure Applications
Lesson 10: Caching Information for Scalability
Lesson 11: Monitoring Your Application and AWS Resources with Amazon CloudWatch
Lesson 12: Deploying Applications with AWS Elastic Beanstalk and AWS CloudFormation