We are an official champion of Cybersecurity Awareness Month – are you?

The National Cybersecurity Alliance and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security launched Cybersecurity Awareness Month in October 2004. Wow…can you believe we are in our 19th year of fostering the goal to make cybersecurity easier and more accessible so that we can all utilize the benefits of technology without concerns?

The National Cybersecurity Alliance advocates for the safe use of all technology and educates everyone on how best to protect ourselves, our families, and our organizations from cybercrime. That’s where LRS Education Services comes in!

LRS hosts a complete portfolio of cybersecurity training courses for IT professionals, including CompTIA vendor neutral courses and NIST Cybersecurity Framework for organizations. Up-skilling to security roles has become one of the largest areas of growth within the IT workforce.

We also understand the importance for all users of computers, mobile devices, networks, and the internet to use technology more securely. According to IBM’s Cost of a Data Breach Report 2021, the two most expensive forms of a data breach were the result of skill-based errors – business email compromise and phishing scams!

On Tuesday, October 25, 2022, LRS Education Services will be hosting a FREE one-hour CyberSAFE End User Cyber Awareness Training. This session will help ensure that users can identify the common risks associated with using conventional end-user technology, as well as how to safely protect themselves and their organizations from security risks in the office or when working remotely.

Join us for this one-hour event by registering HERE to reduce your chances of causing a breach!

If you would like to learn more about our cybersecurity training courses and how to reskill to a new role in IT security, please let me know. All of our courses may be attended using our virtual technology to make learning with us cost effective.

Margaret Teague