PowerShell is FUN!

If you have more than one child, you love them all equally. Right? You don’t have any favorites. That’s what I heard. Personally, we have more than one and, although they are different in many ways, I love and do my best to treat them the same way.

As a classroom trainer, the rule still applies. Over the years I’ve taught a LOT of classes from many vendors. Microsoft, ITIL, NIST Cybersecurity, CompTIA, etc. Like children, each is different. There are good points and challenges.

I probably shouldn’t say this, but to be perfectly frank, there are four or five classes that I prefer to teach more than the rest. If you’re in a class with me, you probably won’t know that I like (or dislike) one more than any other. I try to keep an equal level of enthusiasm, no matter the subject matter.

Having said all that, let me tell you about a class I’m especially fond of teaching. In this class we dive deeply into a topic that Windows admins can use every day. We discuss subjects in this class that aren’t easy to find in a Google search, but can make the difference between failure and success…or at least efficiency verses frustration and wasted time.

This is a Microsoft technology, however, (in my experience) the online documentation glosses over many important areas. But in our offering of the class we add content to make it easier to understand and turn you into something of an expert, in just a few days. A BUNCH of content.

The class? Automating Administration with Windows PowerShell.

Let me ask a question. Do you download PowerShell scripts from the Internet, then change some items (computer name, domain, etc.) and hope that it works? When it doesn’t, do you do another online search to try to figure out why?

What if you could download a script and know exactly WHY it works…or why it doesn’t? What if you could confidently write your own simple scripts? What if you knew what all the ridiculous characters in PowerShell, such as [ { - ‘ ” ` actually meant and how to use them. Or what in the world is going on in a script that uses $_. and ? or %.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could search Active Directory with ease, or create five, ten, a hundred or a thousand new accounts from a .csv provided by HR? What if you could do that in a ONE LINE SCRIPT?

I’m just about done here. One final thought. This is high on my list of classes for two main reasons. 1) Students in class have told me they had no real deep understanding of PowerShell before, but after class they get it and 2) Students leave the class and can immediately put those new skills to work for the benefit of themselves and their employer.

Isn’t that why you attend class? I know that’s why I teach it.

Our next opportunity for you to join the class is November 18-22, 2019. More details and a link to register are available at Automating Administration with Windows PowerShell.

Want to attend but don’t have the time or budget to travel? This class is available using our virtual option. We often have students join us from around the United States and sometimes other countries. So, come hang out with me in a classroom or connect from wherever is convenient for you!
