Please call the LRS weather hotline at 217.862.9500.
On questionable weather days, the voicemail is updated prior to 6:15 AM as to whether classes are running.

Class Hours

Classes start promptly at 8:30 a.m. and conclude by 4:30 p.m.

Microsoft Official Digital Curriculum

When taking a Microsoft® Digital Curriculum course, please take a few minutes prior to the scheduled class date to set up your personal account. Click here for more information on Microsoft Official Digital Curriculum.

Virtual Training

Virtual Training allows students to participate in a traditional instructor-led class without needing to be in a classroom. Click here for more information on Virtual Training.

Lunch and Breaks

Students are given a one-hour lunch break, generally around 11:30am depending on course progress. There is an on-site cafeteria available to all students at the Springfield Education Center. The cafeteria offers a daily special in addition to a regular menu that includes sandwiches, soups, a salad bar, and beverages. A microwave and refrigerator are available at both the Springfield and Bloomington Education Centers for students who bring their lunch. 

In addition to a lunch break, students can expect one morning and one afternoon break during a day-long course. Refreshments and beverages are available to students during their breaks.


Business casual attire is appropriate for all students attending classes at the LRS Education Services facilities.

Exam Vouchers

Students can purchase Microsoft Exam Vouchers directly from LRS when they schedule their exam.

Find Us

Springfield office location (view map)

Springfield food and lodging options

Attending classes at our facility

LRS provides training only to individuals sponsored by an employer (business, government agency, non-profit, etc.). Individual members of the public are not allowed to register directly with LRS for classes.